
Built with Berta.me

  1. A project about our needs, desires, fears, confusions, pleasures related to love, who we love and what we love. During a period of three weeks in March 2018 Benno Voorham created a site-specific performance together with the third-years students of the department for Contemporary Dance Art at the Latvian Academy of Culture in Riga. The project was created and presented at the Theatre Museum in Riga during a one-hour long journey through the labyrinth of rooms and corridors at the museum. 

    The different scenes of the performance were developed from personal experiences of the students or from ideas that surfaced during the rehearsals. 

    A letter to LOVE, what love means, what is expected from love.

    The face of the mother projected on the face of her daughter. The mother talking about her love towards her daughter.

    She sits on a stool with her naked back towards the audience. Her face projected on her back. She talks about love for yourself and the difficulties to love yourself.

    A video is projected on the wall. A hand of a woman writing a letter to her father, who died recently. She looks out of the window and starts to move. As if her memories shape her movements. A dance about what is lost and what is still present. 

    Choreographer/director: Benno Voorham

    More information - https://bennovoorham.com/portfolio-item/the-seduction-of-love/